Labels:cabinet | chat room | fence | hakham | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky | trade name | windowpane OCR: page20 of 32 The sides & the edge diagram The board has twelvesides. A side is formed by cells: an inward corner an outward corner and the cells in between. Thus the six inward corners each belong to two sides. The ring of 60 cells surrounding the actual boardis called the edgediagram 2). It plays a role in defining 'star' The edge i:not part of the playing area Rules >>> The game starts on an empty board see diagram 1 Players move in turn to place one stone on vacant cell. White moves first. Movings not compulsary The game ends when both players pass on successive turns, after which the counting takes place Object The object of the game i$o score more points than the opponent Points are awarded for creating stars, superstars and rings All of these are 'groups' connected stones of one colo ...